Dr. Jim Olmstead
UF-IFAS Horticultural Sciences Dept.
2211 Fifield Hall
Gainesville, FL 32611
(352) 273-4837
FL07-399 (Proposed: Arcadia) FL07-399 is a low chill (< 200 chill hours 0 to 7°C), mid-season maturing genotype adapted to production regions in central and south-central Florida. The key positive attributes for FL07-399 are:
- High yield when grown in an evergreen management system.
- Peak production in central and south central Florida during high value market window.
- Large fruit size, sweet flavor.
- Excellent survival and leaf disease tolerance.
- Low yield in northern areas of Florida.
- Very long harvest season when grown as an evergreen plant.
- Fruit firmness just meets program minimum (but no apparent packing/postharvest problems).
- Vigorous, spreading growth habit may make machine harvest for fresh market difficult.

Photo Credit: James Olmsted